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PowerPoint - Improving your presentation

Insert a template
Change the color scheme
Edit the master template
Insert a picture
Animation effects
Insert the music for several slides
Package for CD


The previous pages explained each of PowerPoint modes: Normal (slide and outline), Comments page, Slide sorter. There are however additionnal elements that must be covered to help you greatly improve your presentations. For example, you must add a background to your presentation, or a template in PowerPoint's terminology, to have a more pleasant presentation to look at. You may also change the titles mask, or the slides mask. You may also change the presentation by adding pictures of the company's logo or its name. A very important element that hasn't been covered to date and that draws the attention, when they are used at the right time, is the animation effects. This page demonstrates where and how to use all these elements.


Insert a template

Although you wrote all the titles and the points of your presentation, you may have noticed that the the slide's background is still white! Unless you're making a presentation for snow or fog, this won't do! You must put a comprehensive background on your slides. PowerPoint uses the term "Slide Design " to describe this important option. Remember that the same background will be used for the entire presentation.

*From the Format menu, select the Slide Design option.
*From the bottom of the screen, double click on the Default Design option.
*From the Formatting toolbar, press the PowerPoint 2003 - Design bouton button.
*From the Task pane, select the Slide Design option.

All these files are PowerPoint's slides. You can create your own templates for your own presentation needs.

Make windows in insertion of a model

The task pane opens to the right of the screen and displays a list of templates ready to be used. You can change templates as often as you want to find the one you prefer. All these files are PowerPoint slides. You can create your own templates for your presentation needs.

* Click on one of the templates listd on the first column. A preview of the template appears in the box to the right of the list.

*Once you've found the template of your choice, click on it place it in your presentation.

For this exercice ...

*From the Format menu, select the Slide design option.
*From the list of the templates, select the Clouds template.

PowerPoint will take a moment to change the template of your presentation. The reason to use this template in particular is that it offers the possibility of using color schemes that were predetermined by PowerPoint's designers.

Color schemes

While preparing the templates that you now see, PowerPoint's designers thought of preparing several " color shemes " for each template to better meet the users needs. So, the same template, can work with different prepared color shemes. However, not all the templates offer several color combinations.

*From the Task pane, select Slide Design - Color scheme option.

The task pane will appear in the task pane usualy at the right of the screen. You can try several color schemes and decide witch is best for your presentation. You can always change the colors selected in a color scheme to better fit your presentation's requirements.

*At the bottom of the task pane, select the Edit Color Schemes option.

PowerPoint offers to change you the color of each of the elements of the color scheme.

*Click on the color box beside the Title text option.
*Press the Change Color button.

* Of the list of colors, select a color other than the one that is presently used.
*Press the OK button.

You will be returned to the Edit Color Scheme window.

*Press the Apply button.

You changes will be applied to every slide of your presentation. There is however an exception. The color scheme will not change the color of a title, or another element of the slide, if you changed it manually. The color scheme will only change the slides, or elements of a slide, that still have the default color.

For example, change the color of one of the titles on a slide. Then, change the titles's color in the color scheme. All the other titles will change color but not the one you change manualy.

Change the slide's master template

You may still want to make changes to the template you selected. At first, you chose a template and adjusted the color schemes. You can also add or change elements to the template. For example, you can add the company's logo and name to the template. The next exercice will explain how to change the slide's master template.

Change the mask of the slide

To modify the templates, you must enter the mask of the title for the first slide of the presentation or the mask of slides for the others of the presentation.

*From the View menu, select Master, and Slide Master .

PowerPoint 2003 - Master slide

Insert of the free text

You need to create some space before you can add the company's name and logo. You can reduce the size of a text box or remove the text boxes you wont need. In this case, remove the Date/Time, Footer and Number area Text boxes.

*Click on the border of these boxes.
*Press the Delete button.

you're now ready to add the name of the company

*Press the Text boxbutton from the Image toolbar to add some additional text.
*Place the cursor to the bottom left of the screen

Make sure that you're not placing the cursor an existing text box that is already on the slide.

*Write the text: "Company's name".

Insert a picture

The company's logo is missing. Because we have no real pictures for company's logo, we'll take one from Microsoft's Clipart library. The picture will be probably too big to be placed next to the name of the company. We will need to reduce its size and to move it beside the company's name.

*From the Insert menu, select the Picture and Clip Art options.

The task pane will help you search among it's library, or later on Office Online, for the item you wish a picture for.

In the Search for box, enter the item your looking and press the Go button. A list of picture will appear below.

*Select a pcture from those that are presented to you.

The picture will be added to the master slide. But it's too big. It must be resized smaller to be usefull to your presentation.

*Click on the picture. A border will appear around the picture.
*Click one of four squares that are located in the corners.
*To keep the proportions of the picture while reducing it, press and hold the left button the mouse.
*Move the cursor inward on the picture to reduce it
*When you'll have the right size for the picture, release the mouse button

To move the picture.

*Place the cursor inside the picture.
*Press the left mouse button and to move the picture towards the location of your choice.
*Release the mouse button.

You can add the other objects of your choice in the mask of slides. All these objects will be shown on each of the slides of the presentation.

The animation effects

It's possible in PowerPoint to put different compilation effects on every point of the slide. Furthermore, animation effects were added to allow you to animate the various elements that you will find on a slide. You can not only animate the text, but also the drawings and even the charts. The toolbar of the animation effects is available from the normal view.

*From the Slide Show menu, select the Animation schemes option.
*From the Task pane, select the Slide design - Animation scheme option.

PowerPoint 2003 - animation scheme window

This toolbar allows you to add animation effects in conformance with the slide. She allows you also to add effects to the text or to choose among some predetermined effects. You can also change the order of presentation of the effects or to personalize the effects on each of the objects of the slide.

The exercise that follows consists in putting an effect of animation in the text as well as in the drawing. Then, look how you may personalize the effects for your needs. Before putting animation effects, it's necessary to create a new slide that will contain three elements: the title of the slide, the text of the slide and the rectangle.

It's first necessary to create a new presentation that will contain these three elements.

*From the File menu, select the New option.
*Under the General tab, select the New presentation option and press the OK button.
*From the list of the pagination of the available slides, select the second, lists in format, and press the OK button.
*Click on the box of the title of the slide.
*Write the following text: " The animation effects ".
*Click on the text box of dots.
*Write " apply to the titles " and press the Enter key.
*Write " apply to the text " and press the Enter key.
*Write " apply to drawn objects " and press the Enter key.
*Write " apply even to charts ".
*Click outside of the text box.

If the Drawing toolbar of is not shown in the screen...

*From the View menu, select the Toolbars option.
*From the list of the available toolbars, select the Drawing toolbar.

*Select the button for the creation of a rectangle .
*Below the text, make a rectangle.

There are now all the necessary elements to continue the exercise. The next part consists in putting an effect of animation in the title and in the text of the slide. An effect of animation will be added to the rectangle from the menu to personalize the animation effects. This option will be explained farther on this page.

Give an animation to the title

To put an effect of animation on the title of the slide:

*Click on the title box of the slide.
*Click one of the effects predetermined by the animations toolbar.
*Press the button to add an effect of animation in conformance with the slide.

The figure " 1 " will appear in the box of the toolbar of the animation effects. This is to indicate that the title will be the first full of life element of the slide. During the presentation of this slide, the title of the slide will display with the animation that you chose. The elements of the slide that have no animation effects or compilation (text) will be shown before those that have animation effects. Those that have an effect of animation will appear in the order that you determined. You can verify and change the order of view of the elements of the slide from the menu to personalize the animation effects.

Give an animation to the text

To put an effect on the text of the slide:

*Click on the text box of the slide.
*Select one of the effects predetermined by the toolbar of the animation effects.
*Press the button to add an effect of animation to the text of the slide.

The number " 2 " will appear to indicate that this text will be the second element of the slide that will appear with an animation. Because it's about a text box and because there are several points, at the time of the presentation, each of the points will appear in his turn with the same effect of animation as you had chosen. This gives the same effect as the effect of compilation. So, the public can only the text that appears to the screen and not the following points.

Personalize the animation effects

The toolbar of the animation effects does not give you access to all the possibilities; only the most popular. It's possible to have access to a bigger list of effects and control on these by personalizing these effects.

*To personalize the animation effects of a slide, press the button.

The following dialog box will appear.

This window offers you all the options to personalize the effects animations on all the elements of your presentation.

In the box in the upper left corner, meets itself a list of all the elements of the slide that have an effect of animation. The elements that have no animation effects you will find in the list of objects without animation under the Schedule tab. Arrows pointing upward and downward just in the right-hand side of the box, allows you to change the order of the animation effects.

*Select an element of the list of elements having an effect of animation.
*Press the arrow pointing upward or downward to change the order of presentation of the selected element.

In the right superior corner of the window, there is a representation in miniature of the slide. It's possible to have a preview of the effects of all the objects of the slide. This is to avoid leaving you this window then to enter mode slide show to see the presentation and then to return to bring so necessary correction.

At the foot of the window, there are four tabs that control the options of the animation effects. Those that you most often go to use you will find under both first tabs.

*Click on the Schedule tab.

Under this tab, you can activate or deactivate the animation effects on the various objects of a slide. As you can see it on the previous picture, the elements of title and text of the slide have each an effect of animation. The next part consists in putting an effect of animation in the rectangle of the slide.

*From the list of objects without animation under the Schedule tab, select the Rectangle element.
*From the lower right corner of the window, select the Use animations option.
*Select also the Manually option.

The option Manually indicates that you should owe, click the mouse button or press the Enter key, PageDown or spacebar to show the element with the effect of animation that you chose. If you select the option automatically, you should also indicate the number of seconds when you want that the element appears after the previous element. You can put the value 0. This means that there is not of periods(delays) between the previous animation and the next.

To remove an effect of animation from an element of the presentation:

*From the list of the order of the animation in the upper left corner of the window, select the element from that you want to remove the effect of animation.
*Click on the Schedule tab.
*In the lower right corner of the window, select the not use animations option.

*Click on the Effects tab.
*For this exercise, select the Text 2 element of the list of the order of animation.

Under this tab, you have a list of the possible animation effects. If your computer is equipped with a card of sound, you can also add a sound effect during the animation. Later, the animation, it's possible " to shade off " the point.

In the first box, you can determine some type of animation for the selected object. You can notice that the list of the effects is much longer than that of the toolbar of the effects animations. In the second box, if your computer is equipped with a card of sound, you can add a sound with the effect of animation. The option After the animation allows to change the color or same to hide the previous points. This technique was called first To shade off the point. It consists in removing the bombast on the previous points of the slide to save it on the point about that you speak at this moment. One uses generally a more pale, more grey color, that gets closer more to the thorough color of the slide to shade off points.

In the right-hand side of the tab, there are the other options for the presentation of the text. PowerPoint allows you to have an effect of animation that applies to a complete row (simultaneously), word by word (By word) or letter by letter (By letter). Generally, it's better use the option Simultaneously. Although the others are interesting, it's too much animation for a presentation. never forget that the important is the contents of your presentation and not the effects that you add it.

It's always possible to you to have a foretaste of the presentation of the current slide by pressing on the Preview button.

*Click on the Chart Effects tab.

This tab is only only available when you have a chart on the slide. It's also possible to animate a chart. You can show the data at one go (Simultaneously) by series or category. It's also possible to show by element of series one after another to explain in detail the chart. This option can be interesting if it's about a small chart with only some points. Nobody wants explanations on a chart having more than 4 or 5 points.

Still here, you may put various animation effects. But it's the same for all the chart. The options to add of the sound and to shade off the data are also available.


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